Why Join?
Mountain biking is a fun, lifelong sport for all levels of fitness and skill. SRVMTB doesn't have try-outs or cuts, so everyone is welcome to join.
Our coaches make your safety, skills, and stoke-level their priority at every ride.
Throughout the season, you'll make a bunch of new friends and riding buddies just in time for summer!

What to Expect
We ride 3 times a week from January through May.
Riders who regularly participate can expect to see vast improvements in fitness and skill over the season. An experienced coach will lead each ride group and teach skills along the way.
Racing is an optional activity that many of our riders enjoy for the challenge and for the fun social atmosphere.
The club is an inclusive community where every rider can expect to feel comfortable and welcome.
What You Need
A bike! It should be in good working condition (get it checked out by a bike shop) and intended for use on dirt trails.
What to wear: a bike-specific helmet (no skater helmets), a non-cotton jersey, gloves, protective eyewear, and padded bike shorts.
What to bring on every ride: water bottle or hydration pack, snack, extra clothing layer, pump, multitool and spare tube.
Coming to practice unprepared can cut a ride short and even be dangerous.

Team Rides
The team rides after school on Wednesdays and Fridays, with a longer ride in the afternoon on Sundays.
We begin the season with spin classes at 24 Hr Fitness in San Ramon. Then we start trail rides, meeting at Rolling Hills Community Church. Most rides occur in Mount Diablo State Park, Shell Ridge Open Space, or Diablo Foothills Regional Park. Rides finish before dusk.
Riders should stay hydrated throughout the day, eat at least an hour beforehand, bring enough food and water for the ride, and dress appropriately.

Ride Groups
After the first few team rides, the coaches establish ride groups based on fitness, skill level, and attitude. The distance, difficulty, and speed of your ride will be based on your group. Your ride group assignment can change through the season as you progress.

Ride Rules
Buckle your helmet while on the bike.
Come prepared.
Ride safely and predictably.
Be respectful.
Ride within your limits.
Slow down and call out before passing.
Stay on legal trails.
Minimize your impact.
Obey all traffic laws.
Girls Riding Together
Bike riding is girl friendly. There are many young women already riding and racing with the League, but there's always room for more! Our club is committed to the mission of getting more girls on bikes, and we are grateful to have several women ride leaders who are strong role models for everyone on the team.
NICA is making a strong effort to recruit and retain more girls and female coaches in NICA programs with their GRiT Program (Girls Riding Together).